Eye Movement Therapy (EMDR)

What does EMDR stand for?

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It’s a way to process traumatic memories by using a back and forth eye movement or using what we call bi-lateral stimulation (BLS). BLS is a form of tapping that alternates right and left side of your body.

How is this different from talk therapy?

When you talk about your trauma with someone it will create what we therapists call activation. What that means is you start to get anxious and can almost feel like you are back at the scene of the trauma itself. I call this an inner charge. In therapy if you are only talking about what happened you may find that when you end a session you still feel activated and the memories still bother you.

What we want to do is re-visit the memories so they can be what we call processed. When you try to do that with just talk therapy you are limited how far you can go before your body and your brain start to shut down. It is your system’s way of protecting yourself from experiencing emotional pain but it keeps the memories stuck.  This would help to explain why talk therapy may not have worked for you in the past.

How does EMDR work?

I work with you to identify specific memories related to your trauma and we “target” them one a time. I help guide you through the memories to completion, which means you will experience symptom relief once a target has been fully processed.

It is important to know that I will not do EMDR with someone on a first appointment. I need to get a sense of your history and spend a few sessions getting comfortable working together. EMDR preparation is important.

Does every therapist know how to do this?

No. EMDR is a specialty and requires additional training.  The training therapists attend is varied. Most EMDR therapists complete two intensive workshops. I have chosen to specialize in Attachment Focused EMDR which requires three intensive workshops. This means I have significantly more EMDR specific training than other practitioners.

 Where did you learn how to do EMDR?

All of my training has been done through the Parnell Institute. This means in addition to being an EMDR therapist I have been trained in what is called Attachment Focused EMDR.  This helps with working with childhood trauma or what I like to call interpersonal or relational trauma. When resolve relationship based trauma it enables us to have improved connections and relationships with others.

Can you do EMDR virtually/online?

Yes. It is just as safe and effective as in person sessions. I use a secure online software program to conduct EMDR sessions remotely. All you need is headphones to use during session.

How do I know EMDR is right for me?

There are certain concerns that EMDR fits perfectly for addressing. We discuss your concerns together and I share with you my clinical opinion on how to best proceed.

Some issues may be better treated with Hypnotherapy depending on various factors.

Both Hypnotherapy and EMDR work to rewire our memories and our experiences in different ways. I am trained and certified in both modalities and can assist in helping find the right intervention for you.


  • Attachment Issues (Insecure/Reactive Attachment)

  • Trauma and Stress Disorders

  • Grief /Traumatic Grief

  • Repressed emotions (i.e.- Anger)

  • Panic like symptoms

  • Phobias